TK-6110K, TK-6110K2 TK-7100, TK-7102, TK-7108, TK-7150,TK-7160,TK-7180, TK-7162,TK-7189, TK-7302, TK7360 TK-8100, TK-8150,TK-8160,TK-8180, TK-8189 ,TK-8102,TK-8108, TK-8162 ,TK-8302, TK-8360 TKR-730, TKR-740, TKR-750, TK-760, TKR-751, TK-760G,TK-780 TKR-830...
Thanks to all for your suggestions on modifying the TKR-750 for single-antenna operation. It turns out that the service manual I had was not the correct one, so Paul helped considerably by posting the correct manual. The unit will eventually be used as a repeater, so I don't want to c...