The T2 appears to be the first Kenwood tuner to use the DLLD. This was a big change point for Kenwood, as the KT-9XG still had the Pulse Count Detector." Our contributor Keith lauds the T2's "excellent AM section, very immune to interference/static." Our contributor Istvan agrees: ...
issettopositionsotherthanTUNER. EIntheAMPtestmode,themutingduringmodeselection isnotcontrolled,Howeyer,theoperationcuringthe PoweronSequenceisthesameasthenormaloperation. RTheSPprotectionoperationisalsothesameasthenor- maloperation. ElIntheAMPtestmodeusingmainunitskeys,thekeys belowprovideaspecialoperationaccording...
KENWOOD ケンウッド AM/FMチューナー KT-1100D 音響機器 オーディオ 【通電確認済:動作未確認 】 商品参数 拍卖号: o1168008988 开始时间: 01月04日 19:35:53 个数: 1 结束时间: 01月08日 20:40:53 商品成色: 有些许伤痕和污渍 提前结束?