The 700T, which predated the 600T, is a very rare 5-gang tuner whose tuning dial resembles the KR-6600/9600 receivers. According to our contributor Charles, the 700T is the only Kenwood tuner that uses an analog dial to set a digitally controlled oscillator - a very unusual system that...
Page 1: The Kenwood Story Page 2: KR-9600 receiver Page 3: KR-8010 receiver Page 4: KR-6030 and KR-5030 receivers Page 5: KR-4070 and KR-3090 receivers Page 6: KR-2090 and KS-4000R receivers Page 7: KA-9100 and KA-8100 amplifiers Page 8: KA-7100 and KA-6100 amplifiers Page ...