kMix LIVE LIFE IN COLOUR The ideal blend of beauty, brains and brawn. All the versatility of the Chef to produce great everyday bakes that get everyone gathering round the table. Adds a pop of colour to any kitchen. DISCOVER MORE
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A perfect gift for those who favoursKenwood kitchen machinesand were patiently waiting for the latest. The new versatileKenwood Cooking Chefdoes it all, even allowing an integrated induction cooking right in the 6.7 litre mixing bowl, thanks to its 1.1 kW induction element. With its powerful 1.5...
Start at a Paris patisserie, then roam the culinary world. Kenwood stand mixers mix, whisk, knead and help create masterpieces. Some even warm, weigh or cook. All with attachments for every kind of kitchen dish. This website uses cookies to personalize and improve your site experience, to e...
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