建伍原装话咪KMC-32/KMC30 车载对讲机话筒 泉州市舟星贸易有限公司 7年 回头率: 30.7% 福建 泉州市 ¥95.00 KMC-62带数字键车台话筒适配建伍车载对讲机TM281 TK-868G TM471A 上海伸普智能科技有限公司 2年 回头率: 27.6% 上海市虹口区 ¥22.00 建伍对讲机麦克风手咪话筒KMC-21适用TK-3207 378...
型号︰ KMC-35 品牌︰ chaoshi 原产地︰ 中国 单价︰ US $ 6 / 件 最少订量︰ 100 件共有33 相关信息 上一个 12 13 14 15 16 下一个 产品描述 Standard dynamic mobile microphone (8-pin mod. plug) for Kenwood TK-7160, TK-8160, NX700, NX800 This speaker microphone...
ราคาก่อนรวมภาษี KMC-32 Mic สำหรับ Kenwood วิทยุ TK-762 TK-7180 TK-7150 TK-7160 TK-760 TK-5720 TK-7102, TK-8102, TK-7108, TK-8108, TK-7162, TK-8162 5.0 1 รีวิวส...
Option 2: Go with an actual KMC 36 mic from Kenwood to solve the scan issue. Good luck... Thanks Gary. I did option 1 before I got the mic; now I'm trying to figure out a way to enable OST without using a DTMF mic. If I can't find a way, I'll be looking for a KMC 36...
Antenna KRA-26VHF Helical Antenna KRA-27UHF Whip Antenna KMC-45Speaker Microphone KMC-21Speaker Microphone KEP-2Earphone Kit for the KMC-45(2.5mm plug)KHS-7Single-Muff Headset KHS-7A Single-Muff Headset with In-line PTT KHS-8BL 2-Wire Palm Mic (Black/Beige)KHS-9BL 3-Wire Lapel Mic ...
NOT GOOD ITEMS, GREAT ITEMS✨:KMC-25 MIC Two Way Radio Remote Speaker Microphone For KENWOOD TK3107 TK3207 PUXING PX-777 Baofeng UV-5R BF-888S UV5R PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: If you are looking for our product, the brand of szsafeway is your good choice.Our product belongs to speaker....
Waterproof PTT Key Extend Cable Plug for Z Tactical Comtac II Noise Reduction Headset 2 Pin K Walkie Talkie Talk Button Price:$22.18 Kenwood UVF-1 Turbo UHF VHF Dual Band Portable Radio Price:$59.96 Kenwood KMC-9C Car Mobile Radio Desktop Microphone Transceiver Base Mic for Kenwood TK-7102 TK...
KENWOOD Waterproof PTT Key Extend Cable Plug for Z Tactical Comtac II Noise Reduction Headset 2 Pin K Walkie Talkie Talk Button Price:$22.18 Kenwood UVF-1 Turbo UHF VHF Dual Band Portable Radio Price:$59.96 Kenwood KMC-9C Car Mobile Radio Desktop Microphone Transceiver Base Mic for Kenwood TK...
Microphone :WG-KMC-30 Built in Microphone and Speaker - with spring clip on the backside. Communicate with ease with the two easily accessible buttons. There is a headphone out port on the mic for an earpiece, and it will cut...
KMC-41D SPEAKER MICROPHONE (IP54/55) KMC-54WD SPEAKER MICROPHONE • 2-mic digital noise cancelling via the radio’s DSP • 3.5mm-diameter earphone jack • Complies with MIL-STD 810C/D/E/F/G • IP65/67 Dust & Water* *The earphone jack cap must be closed tightly. ...