早上刚在日亚看,下午就推了,不过看好新款的drv-410 2016-09-22 赞 回复 yiyi4400 是李逵还是李鬼?大神来说说看。 2016-09-22 赞 回复 地球撞火星 yiyi4400 确实是建伍的产品,不过是上代的机器清仓,日本官网已经下架的产品。目前官网的几个型号DRV-320/325/410/N520/610 2016-09-22 1 回复 ...
"2015 Navigation/Multimedia receiver firmware update Guide"(en) download(PDF:325KB) Software License Agreement You must agree to the following conditions before downloading this update program. A written permission from JVCKENWOOD Corporation is necessary in order to redistribute this software on your ...