Stand Mixers Start at a Paris patisserie, then roam the culinary world. Kenwood stand mixers mix, whisk, knead and help create masterpieces. Some even warm, weigh or cook. All with attachments for every kind of kitchen dish. Cooking Chef XL ...
Cooking Chef XL Stand Mixer KCL95.004SI $2,099.99 MultiPro Go FDP22.130GY $129.99 MultiPro OneTouch Food Processor and Blender FDM73.480SS $399.99 QuickMix Go - Storm Blue HMP40.000GY $99.99 QuickMix Go - Clay Red HMP40.000RD $99.99 Stand Mixers Attachments Food Processors Han...
KENWOOD对决KA,谁更强? 最近在英国购物时,我考虑了很多品牌的厨师机,最终选择了KENWOOD Chef XL KVL4100w Stand Mixer with 6.7L Bowl和KitchenAid进行对比。以下是两款产品的优缺点对比: ✅KENWOOD优点: 功率强大:能够轻松处理2kg以内的揉面任务,尤其是制作馒头和包饺子时,完全不用担心机器带不动。制作饺子馅也...
The Kenwood is supplied with three mixing heads as standard - the unmistakeable K beater for general mixing, the dough hook for yeasted dough mixes and the whisk for egg whites and batters The mixer also features two handy attachment hubs which can fit a wide variety of useful tools, such...
Kenwood Chef XL Food Processor 5KSM3311 2 产品说明书 5KSM3311
alaTest has collected and analyzed 56 reviews of Kenwood Chef Titanium XL KVL8300S Stand Mixer with 6.7 Litre Bowl - Silver. The average rating for this product is 5.0/5, compared to an average rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category for a...
获红点设计大奖,顶级厨师机组合,大降116欧元,德淘直邮新低价~值友“jessew”专业推荐:“厨师机一词译自英语kitchen machine或stand mixer,从字面不难看出,这是一种多用途食品加工类厨房电器。配合不同的配件,厨师机可完成面食制作(和面、压面、切面)、食品加工(切丝、切片、切块)、研磨(谷物、香料等)、绞肉、榨...
Kenwood kMix KMX50 Stand Mixer - White£260英国亚马逊 如果使用对象是男生或者喜欢稳重设计感的女生,可以在Chef and major系列里挑选。 这个系列的厨师机很好的兼顾了外观与性能,价格适中。如果能按照说明书妥善使用,正常用个三五年不会有任何问题。这个系列的产品在张大妈这有多篇晒单,下面只选了一个最近的值友...
较新的Kenwood Chef Sense系列采用了有别于传统的产品命名规则,以XL来区分配备6.7L搅拌桶的型号。Titanium系列均为kmx0yz的形式,x为c或m,标识搅拌桶容量(chef/major),y为系列名,从0到9,z标识了具体型号。Titanium Major系列,经过了kmm020->kmm040->kmm060的发展,其中kmm040引入了定时功能,而加热型厨师机...
Cooking Chef 是 Kenwood 最高端的系列,也是很多烘焙爱好者追求的一款。KM086 是唯一一款能加热的厨师机...