medical resident, medical intern, chiropractor, nurse, dentist, optometrist, EMT, paramedic, licensed mental health professional, therapist, Cabinet employee, child care personnel, teacher, school personnel, ordained minister, victim advocate, or any agency employing these individuals. ...
Charlie Grindle is the Executive Director of Kentucky’s Commonwealth Office of Technology (COT) and is now the highest paid employee in Governor Bevin’s administration. It’s interesting to note that Charlie’s pay raise occurred at a time when the state budget offered no pay raises for stat...
He advised Kentucky residents to stay as safe as they can and warned them to stay off the roads as emergency crews continued their response. He declared a state of emergency and deployed theNational Guard, he said. Police departments and other agencies were using heavy equipment to clear fallen...
The final version of the pension overhaul removed some of the most vilified provisions of previous proposals. Current and retired teachers, who are not eligible for Social Security benefits, would still get annual raises of 1.5 percent in their retirement checks. And current workers would not hav...
Temple Grandin of Colorado State University, a highly sought-after consultant to members of the farmed-animal industry, such as the McDonald's Corporation, summarizes the behavior documented at the Pilgrim's Pride slaughterhouse as "the WORST employee behavior" she has ever witnessed in a poultry...