KENTUCKYSTRAIGHT RYEWHISKEY learn more + As much as we enjoy breaking the rules, we also know when it’s worth following them. Wilderness Trail’s core offerings have always adhered to the unforgiving pre-Prohibition production standards of “bottled-in-bond” classification. ...
Discover Bulleit Frontier Whiskey and taste the award winning Kentucky whiskey inspired by the small batch technique used over 150 years ago.
Discover Bulleit Frontier Whiskey and taste the award winning Kentucky whiskey inspired by the small batch technique used over 150 years ago.
Discover Bulleit Frontier Whiskey and taste the award winning Kentucky whiskey inspired by the small batch technique used over 150 years ago.
Rye whiskey meets the tropics. See details SCOFFLAW A classic drink straight from Prohibition-era Paris. See details KENTUCKY DEVIL Watermelon and lemon to chase away the fiery Kentucky summer heat. See details NEW YORK Bold, spicy rye makes this the cocktail that never sleeps. See details...
目前,伍德福德珍藏推出了伍德福德珍藏桶陈纯黑麦威士忌(Woodford Reserve Barrel Finished Straight Rye Whiskey)、伍德福德珍藏大师系列燕麦谷物纯波本威士忌(Woodford Reserve Master's Collection Oat Grain Straight Bourbon Whiskey)和伍德福德珍藏双橡木桶陈精选纯波本威士忌(Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Barrel Finish ...
关于“野火鸡101纯黑麦威士忌(Wild Turkey 101 Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自美国肯塔基州产区的黑麦威士忌。这款酒呈深琥珀色,散发着烟熏香气,入口带有香料和黑麦的味道,口感均衡,余味悠长,带有一丝辛辣感。
Jim Beam Rye Pre-Prohibition Style Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 度数:40%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 色泽:红棕色 香气:黑麦味、肉豆蔻、薄荷混合的辛香 口感:入口带有香甜的焦糖和香料的风味 尾韵:橡木桶香和辛香味混合,余味悠长 更自然,更温和 ...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“野火鸡81纯黑麦威士忌(Wild Turkey 81 Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自美国肯塔基州产区的黑麦威士忌。这款酒散发着清新的葛缕子的香气,入口带有浓郁的香草、香料和黑麦的味道,余味略带辛辣感。
Sazerac Rye Straight Rye Whiskey, Kentucky, USA 萨泽瑞克纯黑麦威士忌 点击次数:2860 Loading zoom 酒款年份 NV 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 威士忌 酒庄: 水牛足迹 产区: 美国USA>肯塔基州 Kentucky 风味特征: 丁香 香草 茴香 胡椒 糖果 柑橘 酒款年份:...