Beshear says expanding Medicaid will boost workforce –Middlesboro News – October 26, 2022 Kentucky lawmakers reject League of Cities revenue plan –Hazard-Herald – October 25, 2022 Chamber awarded 2022 Events Excellence Award –Russellville – October 25, 2022 Franklin Favorite Kentucky’s nati...
They don’t go to special Medicaid hospitals, he said. “We allow that every day of the week when it comes to health care. But for some reason people have an issue” when it involves education, Brenner said. Laura Hancock covers state...
Enter theStart Dateof the TEDS program inmmddyyformat or use the calendar icon to select a date. Select theCIP Codefrom the dropdown list. Select the appropriate option from theSpecial Populationsdropdown list. Enter theDaily Attendance Hours:Semesters or Trimesters ...
In 2014, Kentucky expanded Medicaid, increasing the number of lower-income people who qualified for lung cancer screening and any related treatment. Adults 50 to 80 years old are advised to get a CT scan every year if they have accumulated at least 20 pack years and still smoke or have qui...
The GSSP Batch Print Report allows for the printing of the Gifted Student Service Plan forms for multiple students in a given year rather than one student at a time.