Johnson. On December 10, 1861,Kentucky became the 13th state admitted to the Confederacy. Kentucky, along with Missouri, was a state with representatives in both Congresses and had regiments in both the Union and the Confederate Armies. What side of the Civil War was Kentucky on? As the Civ...
If you need assistance in finding information on your Kentucky Civil War ancestor, I am always eager to do what I can to help. Finding what we need cannot be guaranteed, but I will do what I can to aid in your search. If you are in need of a speaker, click on the Contact tab fo...
And of course the winning side goes back to their golf courses, yard work, couch, fav porn site, church to wait for a savior that isn’t coming, fav sports bar, fishin’ hole or whatever and pays little attention to what really gets things done. And we still let the morons vote. ...
In the Mexican War Kentucky’s quota should have been 2400 men, but she sent more than 10,000. And in the Civil War, when the people of the state were divided in their sympathies, about 80,000 men enlisted in the Federal army and about 40,000 in the Confederate army. The Know-...
” It is theoldest community in Wake Countyand named for Jeremiah Morris, who donated land to the North Carolina Railroad, along which the town was built. On April 13, 1865, it was the site of one of the last battles of the Civil War. It has a community center, pools, and other ...
Their performance of “Which Side Are You On?” by Florence Reece, an activist from Appalachia, was accompanied by an explanation of the context of the song. “This is another song… It’s a Florence Reece song. Back in 1931 in Harlan County, Kentucky there was a war going on between ...
This introduction to Kentucky history is a collaboration between the state's leading historian, James C. Klotter, and educational consultant Freda C. Klotter. In five compact chapters, they outline major influences and developments of the frontier, statehood, Civil War, industrial, and modern period...
In the end Lincoln was a politician turned into a martyr/mythological figure/political god for a false cause. But that’s exactly what he did. This entry was posted in2023 Feburaryand tagged000 dead,600,all lives matter,black lives matter,civil war. american racism,communist insurrection,false...
If they tell you the govt. or corporations exist to make you ‘safe’ or even care about your safety. – Both sides of the culture war are guilty of this evil, one says “…disarm yourselves the police will keep you safe…” which is of course impossible. The other side claims the ...
Librarians took their jobs very seriously going out even in the worst of weather and through treacherous terrain. Using their own horses or mules, women made their rounds twice a month. They took home $28 a month which in today's money would be about $495....