Our web site directory started on July 4th 2000 and many of our friends have closed their doors since then... WE NEED BUSINESS-FRIENDLY LEADERS!Vote for change... Pete Beatty, Owner, MediaWebLink - "United We Stand" AmericanMachineShops.com - Supporting our Manufacturing Made In America ...
Kentucky’s 50-plusAmish communitiesare home to numerousAmish woodworkers and furniture workshops. Amish furniture shops are typically found at the home, often in a small nondescript building located right on the main property. Amish appreciate the home setting for work. Being able to craft furnit...
which we highly recommend, and Onyx Cave, which used to be Mammoth Onyx Cave until people objected to the near-fraud, and which we emphatically don't recommend at all, among them), the Guntown Mountain wild-west theme park, and zillions of tacky little souvenir shops and time-wasters. (...