6. Register for Limited Liability Entity Tax (LLET) All Kentucky LLCsmustpay theLimited Liability Entity Tax (LLET)every year. If your LLC makes under $3 million per year, then your LLC will owe the minimum tax of $175 each year. (Most people owe the$175 minimum taxeach year.) LLC...
Enhanced FBW cultural competent interventions and policies are needed to prevent FBW occupational injuries, and improve FBW workplace safety and health.doi:10.1007/s10903-017-0550-3Cruz, YailetBunn, Terry LeeHanner, NancySlavova, SvetlaSpringer USJournal of Immigrant & Minority Health...
Reduce Curriculum Costs While Increasing Student Enrollment: Optimizing Academic Balance Analyses Let Kentucky Institutions Stay CompetitiveHoyt, Kenneth L.Planning for Higher Education
Zoology Bat Species Diversity in Old-Growth vs. Second Growth Forests in Lilley Cornett WoodsLetcher CountyKentucky EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Charles L. Elliott ConleyLindsay RBat activity in old-growth forests (+150 years) is a subject that is poorly understood. The majority of old-growth ...
The objective of this study was to determine the diversity of bat species associated with old-growth and second growth forests within the Lilley Cornett Woods Appalachian Ecological Research Station, Letcher County, Kentucky. This study was conducted over 2 field seasons; 2009 and 2010. Mist ...