Katie DeBoer is a constitutional conservative running for reelection for Kent County Commissioner in District 4. District 4 includes Cannon Township, Courtland Township, the City of Rockford, and the southern portion of Nelson Township. Katie is deeply concerned about government overreach in our daily...
The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the County Commissioners of Kent County and set forth in this chapter. § 21-3. Composition and compensation of Commission. The Commission shall consist of at least seven and no more than nine members, excluding the Director, who shall serve...
Welcome to my campaign page: Jennifer Merchant for County Commission. Here you can find information about my campaign, make a contribution, and contact me with any questions.
King County now has three landmarks that are out of this world. Literally. Tonight, the King County Landmarks Commission unanimously approved historic landmark designation for the Boeing-built rovers that were left behind on the moon by the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions nearly a half-century...
The bottom line is we do not know the “Rest of the Story”. That will unfold in days to come. My prediction is that more and more incompetency will be revealed and more and more greed and seeking of power will come to light. Considering all, there is a deep concern our county may...
“Pedestrians need to be attentive, follow the laws of the road and to cross where it is appropriate and safe. Drivers also need to be attentive and watch for pedestrians and bicyclists, be sober and follow the laws of the road.” The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has charged...