The group, which also features Housing 21, has emerged as preferred bidder for the 63 million scheme of Kent County Council, known as Better Homes, Active Lives. The scheme will allow the council, in partnership with 10 local councils, to build more than 340 apartments for vulnerable people ...
He was elected by his colleagues to be the first-ever Chairman of the newly constituted Metropolitan King County Council, and he served as its Chair for two years from 1994 to 1996. He subsequently served as the Chairman of the Law, Justice, and Human Services Committee. He is presently Ch...
This week King County Executive Dow Constantine and Renton Mayor Armondo Pavone announced the purchase of an Extended Stay hotel as part of the Health Through Housing Initiative that aims to increase the county’s permanent supportive housing capacity. The county paid roughly $28.6 million for the ...
Kent County Council's annual Rail Summit, put off from the spring due to purdah for the European elections, took place this year on 15 October. But the delay has not led to a fresh resolution for the county's rail services, as the South Eastern franchise has been extended with a direct...
• Choose to Win Transitional Housing: $15,000 The Unity and Wellness Festival, hosted at Hogan Park in Kent, is designed to engage underserved populations through a culturally responsive community event. The festival will promote recreational park use and health disparity education, with a focus...
During the council meeting, Councilmember Girmay Zahilay read to them a letter from County Executive Dow Constantine listing the actions the county has already taken to help this population. In early July, King County paid the Low Income Hou...
The council have outlined their large-scale developments within the aptly titled ‘Big 8’. The aim of the developments is to unlock major opportunities, whilst delivering new jobs, housing, retail and cultural facilities. Under the ‘Big 8’ several major schemes have been completed and will ...
Hugo Pound has been in charge of housing in the Borough council coalition for the past two years. He has lived in Tunbridge Wells for the past 32 years, works as a chartered psychologist and is a former governor of The Judd School and Skinners Kent Academy. ...
The university's original name, chosen in 1962,[3] was the University of Kent at Canterbury, reflecting the fact that the campus straddled the boundary between the county borough of Canterbury and Kent County Council. At the time it was the normal practice for universities to be named after ...
APPLICATION REF: 19/505036/OUT - PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 86no. residential dwellings, including 50% affordable housing (Access being Sought). ADDRESS: Land South Of London Road Teynham Kent ME9 9QJ To view the details please visit the planning portal: ...