These two companies have left their mark on the city, building both office buildings and local attractions. The Leila Arboretum, part of Battle Creek's 7,000 acres of parkland, was created by the widow of CW Post, founder of Post Cereals. Post himself had been inspired to go into the ...
MONTAGE British civilians taking on extra duties during the war such as delivering supplies, running first aid and driving an ambulance / Dover, England, United Kingdom 00:39 MONTAGE A bustling town filled with British civilians gathering in the city, shopping, building housing, going to the mov...
a Protestant work ethic, a high degree of religious tolerance, ample supplies of coal, and efficient transportation networks of roads and canals. He saw the same dynamic with the Erie Canal, which ran for 363 miles from the upper Hudson ...
Enbysk said the county recently began a “preapplication” process with Kent, the first step in what it expects will take months to get city leaders’ approval to open the site. But she warned that it would require significant investments...
the street were: The Shakespeare Hotel, Freeman, Hardy and Willis, Fletcher's butcher's shop, George's tobacconists, Whorwell the photographer, Pettit's greengrocery shop and the Royal Cafe. On the Grocer's building on the left can be seen a sign directing people to the Royal Hippodrome....
An application may be requested in writing to: Division of Revenue, Carvel State Building, P.O. Box 8750, 820 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19899 or by telephone to one of the following numbers: (302) 577-8200—Public Service, (302) 577-8205—Licensing Department. Information reg...