KentMessengerGroupandNorthcliffeMedia-LocalMediaAssessment 1 Section1 1Summary 1.1TheOfficeofFairTrading(OFT)hasaskedOfcomtoprovideinputtoitsdecisionon whethertorefertheproposedacquisitionbytheKentMessengerGroup(KMG)of sevenKentnewspapertitlesfromNorthcliffeMedia(Northcliffe)totheCompetition ...
Hump It 'n' Dump It. Waste Collection & Disposal Company in United Kingdom,Kent,Dartford, . Waste Recycling Company
At My Motoring Centres we are a friendly, family run Garage & MOT Centre with modern facilities. We take pride in offering good customer service, looking after both you and your vehicle. We specialise in car and light commercial repairs such as servicing, brakes, tyres and engine diagnostics ...
Famous for its connections toCharles Dickens, who lived and wrote in locations in Rochester and neighboring Chatham, the historic city of Rochester makes for an excellent day out. It's located on the banks of the River Medway, an easy commute from London. Most notable among its many attractio...
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