At its core, Rurouni Kenshin masterfully interweaves the rich tapestry of Japan’s Meiji Restoration with the fictional tale of Kenshin Himura. This blend of historical facts with engaging narrative fiction allows audiences to immerse themselves in a world that feels both real and enchantingly mythic...
In the early Meiji era, after participating in the Bakumatsu war as the assassin “Hitokiri Battōsai”, Himura Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed. When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji...
As a result, our hero-to-be Kenshin Himura finds himself wandering around Japan for the coming ten years, hoping to leave his past behind as the feared ‘Battousai’. At this point, Kenshin arrives in Tokyo, where a man uses his old title when slaying men. Not only does he use Kenshin...
Seijûrô Hiko: Boy, your name? Kenshin Himura: Shinta. Seijûrô Hiko: Not quite appropriate for a warrior. You shall be known as Kenshin from now on. Kenshin Himura: Ken-shin? Hajime Saito: The Shinsen group is still the Shinsen group. A wolf is still a wolf. Nothing's change...
Seiyuu Name: Himura Kenshin Himura Kenshin is a rather frail-looking and small samurai with long red hair tied into a ponytail, purple eyes, and a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek. Though drawn in an effeminate manner by Nobuhiro Watsuki, Kenshin’s eyes still follow the sharper design ...
Why does Tomoe have such an impact on Kenshin? First, by putting Himura’s current way of life into question, she forces him to confront the repetitive trauma that he subjects himself to by killing and invigorates the inscription of Eros that adorns his face. Secondly, the fact that she,...
Seijûrô Hiko: Boy, your name? Kenshin Himura: Shinta. Seijûrô Hiko: Not quite appropriate for a warrior. You shall be known as Kenshin from now on. Kenshin Himura: Ken-shin? Hajime Saito: The Shinsen group is still the Shinsen group. A wolf is still a wolf. Nothing's change...