Storage: Greenfruit 储具:绿色水果 Storage for your lovely drugs 用来存放你的药的储具 Storage: Hashish 储具:大麻制剂 Storage: Hemp 储具:大麻 Storage dumpster for raw hemp 用来储存大麻原料的储具 Storage: Hemp SMASHED 储具:碾碎的大麻 Storage box for Iron Plates 用来储存铁板盒子 Storag...
This area is actually the border of 2 zones, Stobe's Garden and Greenbeach. Depending on where you build your base it's possible to have both the Greenbeach and Stobe's Garden Environment characteristics allowing you to grow more than just Arid crops here. Also, depending on where you ...
Nope, though I have considered it. I think more dismembering is happening because the people in this area typically have both higher stats and their equipment is higher grade then the previous areas. Easier to hit that threshold where the limb gets damaged enough to get cut off. #...
Goat : Bread, Cactus, Chewsticks, Foodcube, Greenfruit, Riceweed, or Wheatstraw. It's all the same to the glorious goat. 15% Garru : Riceweed 20% Gorillo : Greenfruit 9% Spider : Meat 6% Raptor : Meat 9% Swamp Turtle : Greenfruit 15% ...
: What, an' quit my days shootin' greenfruit off'a heads? Look, I already failed my crew before, life holed up in a bar's actually startin' to grow on me. : If I was one of your crew I'd slap you upside the head. : *drinks* : You don't want to spend your days as a...
If your STR is too low to use certain weapons you also get an attack speed penalty. Toughness: How much damage you take and where your KO point is. If your main body parts (head, chest, stomach) go under this KO point you will go into a coma until youre healed up. Dexterity: ...