Note: You should probably put this mod as low as possible in the load order, near the bottom ...
Currently sorting your load order manually is the recommended way for organizing your mod load order. Atlas's guide, Proper Load Order & You. is the most up-to-date and accurate method for organizing your mod list. Once you have your mod list sorted, backup your mods.cfg file (located ...
这游戏内的较好装备,简单来说分成三类: 第一类,铭刃武器与MOD添加的武器(如传奇武器MOD),基本上为独品一样一件(部分二次导入可刷新)。 第二类,玩家自己造作的武器装备(如螃蟹装)与MOD添加的装备制造(如刃3MOD与铭刃M 295252 kenshi吧 sunshao8888 kenshi(剑士)攻略推荐及常见问题解答——steam中文(最低点难...
Players who are interested in growing and Crafting Items for trading should find this Guide to Building an Outpost helpful. Player Outposts can be built just outside of towns or deep in the wilderness. Different regions in Kenshi offer very different res
This is added by the Living Worlds mod, so we can cause an override here by taking care of him instead of needing to take out an inquisitor. Seeing the HN toss our guys into the cages I've taken to using it against them and throwing their guys into prison. About half the squad...
Mod list Reactive World - Adds more events in the world, mostly expanding on minor factions Shopping Economy - Makes the shop counter less useless Wooden Training Dummy - Easier training for Dexterity Strength Training Equipment - Easier training for Strength Sparring Mats - Easier training for Mart...
中文用词的翻译是採用汉化模组 简体中文汉化译名完善 mod 的汉化。 《剑士》这个游戏,最困难的地方莫过于是前期,虽然游戏内设有新手说明,但都只是些简单的操作指引。面对这辽阔的沙漠世界,如何快速适应才是致胜关键。 在开始阅读以下内容前,要先清楚明白《剑士》是款真正的开放式自由沙盒游戏,它不会有任何主线或...
因此,本帖的目的就是力求解决这一问题,而本帖的排序理论依据都来自于steam创意工坊中的一下两个链接: Proper Load Order & You. https://steamcomm 14161 kenshi吧 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 萌新求问,自己能在家建训练假人吗?是必须先有蓝图才能制造吗? 分享81 kenshi吧 苏维埃沙皇国º 萌新mod制作――反抗团...