我订阅了一个“buy any building”和一个买城墙的mod,结果进游戏没用 现在还有适配mod吗 分享61 kenshi吧 绝代艳帝 这地方建城怎么样,除了没有铜,资源齐全苍翠+沼泽 分享367 kenshi吧 ☞中二病晚期☜ 关于建城选址有没有吧友在黑沙/灰烬这两个生物禁区建过城? 如果不是纯骨人队伍的话食物怎么解决? 有...
The easiest way to get your base started is to buy a building inside an existing town. You won’t have enough space for everything but they’ll be safe from attacks. (Disclaimer: there is/was a bug sometimes causing the player to lose building ownership when a towns gets reset or chang...
In order to buy a building in Squin find one that is destroyed and left click it; in the bottom left of the screen you'll see an option to purchase the building for some Cats. You should purchase a building in a town you like and plan to revisit often during our initial travels. ...
Add to cart Buy now Wishlist it Description Kenshi is an open world, squad based sandbox RPG set in a brutal sword-punk wasteland. Gameplay is open-ended rather than a linear story, so you can play as a settler, a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, ...
Stone is only important early on when you still need Building Materials. You can always buy Building Materials from stores and traders instead though if you are in an area with low Stone. Fertility tells you how well crops will grow in this area; if you've unlocked Hydroponics then ...
where you are the one who crafts his own adventure. It is played in a fully 3D environment and features a camera that can be freely moved around. Players command one or multiple individual characters and can participate in multiple activities. Some of these includebase buildingstructures, craftin...
making some massive leaps into territory previously unknown to us and building a whole load of new systems that take time to perfect. Whilewe’ve grown the company, we’ve tried to only hire in areas where we feel it will benefit the thing that matters most: making the best game we poss...
repeated this until I was able to buy a small house in the city. Then until I could afford building materials to repair said house. Afterwards, I bought materials to build a storage chest, a sleeping bag, a research station. I hired new party members, therefore increasing my mining income...
A platform that extends out over the side of a building, enabling turrets to get a better shooting angle. 一个能延伸出建筑外一侧的平台,能使炮台有更好的射击角度。 GunPlank 射击板 Harpoon Autoturret 鱼叉自动炮塔 Harpoon Autoturret MkII Mk2鱼叉自动炮塔 DEFENCE 防御 Just as powerful as ...
Kenshi has a extensive settlement building system that can be quickly be summarized up with, you can build anywhere and anything as long as its not too close to a major city. In short, if you like games similar to that of Mount and Blade, Skyrim/Fallout, or Rimworld, then you'll enjo...