用的fun merchant life,无论在家还是在哨站都没人来买 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-10-08 09:26回复 贴吧包打听 圣域武士 8 这可能有多种原因。以下是一些可能的问题和解决方法:1. mod的兼容性问题:确保你安装的所有模组都是相互兼容的,不存在冲突。如果某些模组之间存在冲突,可能会导致一些奇怪...
占领城镇似乎可以通过帝国mod实现(我没用过),或者打小小世界(英文名好像是a new world,补充了原版的剧情,并且可以让盟友占领原版无法占领的地方),人数可以用256人口mod,fun merchant life模组似乎可以优化购物系统,把人口、攻城规模拉高好像可以提高攻城人数和援军人数,至于难度太低……要试试大名鼎鼎的传奇(legendary ...
Merchant Access: This is related to the aspect of Supply Depots above. Once the players have established their stronghold and have to make regular runs to the next town for considerable amounts of supplies (all those hirelings need to eat), they can become important enough customers for traveli...
Sento. The black symbolizes Kenshi’s blindness, the literal darkness the swordsman will have to deal with for the rest of his life. But Sento, represented by the white in the Blindside skin, is Kenshi’s light through the darkness as the sword allows Kenshi to ...
These fuckers were the bane of my merchant start. They move quick and do some serious damage. Heading outside of town we get accosted by a group calling themselves City Heroes. : What do we have here? Spitting on all our drat business! : How do you walk on them stupid sticks? Heh!
兼容性:不兼容新种族新食物,需要自己给新种族的special food加上各种食物,把新食物改成特殊食物并给所有相应种族的special food加上新食物。不兼容fun merchant life,需要把该mod新增的名为food的新物品的类别改成特殊食物,并对部分骨人NPC的购物欲望做出修改 来自Android客户端8楼2024-04-08 10:22 收起回复 乐观...
马路过一匹 圣域武士 8 有个fun merchant life挺好用的,实测无bug 来自Android客户端3楼2023-10-31 14:12 回复 傲娇时空 贵族 13 打了那个你就是大老板了,一群人一来你就有钱了 来自Android客户端4楼2023-11-01 01:56 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈...
If you fall to a blood spider they will happily start to suck on your corpse, draining it of all remaining life. Luckily this can't happen to Skeletons, but they are still incredibly scary foes. Fun Fact: In early versions of the game blood spiders had incredibly high attack range and ...
1.穿伪装情况下能不能在敌对国家里开店铺2.我知道同阵营对伪装有看破加成,那要在三个主要国家开店的话分别适合穿什么伪装/有没有一个通用的伪装3.主视角不在店铺的情况下能卖出去东西吗(mod:fun merchant life) 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-12-01 16:42回复 ...
用的fun merchant life,无论在家还是在哨站都没人来买 分享51 kenshi吧 snowadolxue 关于在在商店柜台卖自家东西的问题好奇,因为没怎么摆柜子卖过东西。很久以前摆过一次,全城人怒吼买不起。 一般卖东西给城镇商人,都会卖不到原价,比如食物只能卖一半的猫什么的。 那如果把食物摆在商店柜台里,城里人会付全价买...