Windows on the River: Moosehead to Popham The Kennebec flows from Moosehead Lake through the West Outlet and the East Outlet, both of which empty into Indian Pond. The water passes through the ten miles of Indian Pond to join the Dead River at The Forks,
The effects of water flow manipulation below a hydroelectric power dam on the bottom fauna of the upper Ken- nebec River, Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 103:318-324.Trotosky, H.M. & R.W. Gregory. 1974. The effects of water flow manipulation below a hydroelectric ...
Three boat teams collected concurrent measurements of current velocity, salinity, and water temperature 25 km above the mouth of the Kennebec River estuary, Maine at Merrymeeting Bay during a 13 hr semi-diurnal tidal cycle of a near-perigean spring tide superimposed on low river flow. These ...
The plume becomes thicker near the mouth of the estuary, the outflow velocity of the plume is weaker, and the radius of the river plume shrinks. The flow field in the model run with the WAD is noisier, not only in shallow areas of Casco Bay but also in the plume and even on the ...
Sediment transport and circulation patterns within the lower Kennebec River estuary, Maine (20 km) have been investigated over a two year and nine month period using fathometer profiles and side-scan sonograms in conjunction with flow measurements, fresh-water discharge data, and grain-size data....
Net ebb sediment transport in a rock-bound, mesotidal estuary during spring-freshet conditions: Kennebec River estuary, Maine. Bulletin of Geological Society of America 113, 1522-1531.Fenster MS, FitzGerald DM, Kelley JT, Belknap DF, Buynevich IV, Dickson SM (2001) Net ebb sediment ...
kennebec riverandroscoggin Rivermerrymeeting Baygulf of MainePrevious investigations suggest that contaminant transport from the large Kennebec/Androscoggin watershed is an important large-scale process in mid-coast Maine. To investigate this phenomenon, we determined the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, ...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Wilson Pond Dam (ME 00121), Kennebec - Androscoggin River Basin, Wilton, Maine. Phase I Inspection Program.DamsChannelsDownstream flowInspectionEarth(Planet)PondsCorrelationDikesRockCapacity(Quantity)...