Genius Annotation:Kendrick illustrates his attempts to reconnect with God by claiming the Bible as his road to redemption. Lamar often using religious symbolism in his music to convey such personal matters, explored in “How Much A Dollar Cost” and “Kush And The Corinthians”. This could also...
Kendrick Lamar 曾被邀请造访白宫,当奥巴马被问到如果 Kendrick 和 Drake 要 Battle 谁能获胜的时候,奥巴马毫不犹豫地选择了Kendrick Lamar。 (图片来源:wennermedia) 用Lamar 自己的话来概括他的风格和他所坚持的事情就是:“我想通过诗歌一般的歌词改变世界,而不是成为另外一个被利用的蝴蝶”。 不知道从何时开始,...
除了音乐作品,很少能见到 Kendrick Lamar 的八卦或其他事情登上头版头条。不像 Kanye、A$AP Rocky、菲董还有 Drake 早就转战时尚圈 (音乐甚至快成了 “兼职”),这没什么不好,但像 Lamar 这样远离花边新闻、把录音室当家,专注于音乐的歌手确实不多了。 如今Lamar 名利双收,赚的多了也从不爱大手大脚地挥霍。...
Sidewalks收录于The Weeknd在2016年发布的专辑Starboy,盆栽和Kendrick Lamar用sidewalks来比喻他们从默默无闻到名利双收的道路。The Weeknd来自加拿大的士嘉堡(Scarborough),是大多伦多地区犯罪率最高的地方之一,Kendrick则来自洛杉矶县的康普顿,世界上最危险的城市。 在为Drake的专辑feat时,两人在录音室拍下了这张照片 ...
内容研究:Matt / 翠花配音:Matt / 翠花剪辑:翠花/ Matt封面设计:翠花字幕校对:Matt如果对本期内容感兴趣的话,不要忘了一键三连哦~非常感谢大家的支持!参考资料:
所以Butterfly这个意象就代表了一个典型的黑人歌手从贫穷到发家致富站在大众面前的这么一个形象,而在专辑中这个形象无疑就是来自Compton的Kendrick Lamar。所以第一条线也是最直接的,就是请大家看清楚Kendrick Lamar,他是怎样改变的,这个一条线的中心就是:他自己。 Young_Kidd 两条链子 12 第二条线就简单明了...
“Lamar is a genius, a maestro. Everything he makes is magic.” She also mentioned that she woke up to a text from a friend telling her that her voice opens up “Wacced Out Murals,” the album’s intro track. “My skin gets goosebumps because all of this happened so quickly for ...
As of 2025, Kendrick Lamar’s net worth is estimated at $75 million, according to reliable sources. Kendrick Lamar remains a transformative figure in music and culture, celebrated for his lyrical genius, artistic innovation, and unwavering commitment to addressing the complexities of modern society....
he was already a household name. In 2015, To Pimp a Butterfly debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart, Lamar’s first album to do so. It received mass critical acclaim and was nominated for seven GRAMMY® Awards. Kendrick Lamar took home two wins, including Best Rap Album...
He continued: “If you rap against Kendrick Lamar, like Joe Budden said, ‘Never rap against Kendrick Lamar.’ If you rap against Kendrick Lamar, it’s a difficult task, but perhaps it’s something … I’m a psycho genius, so you know, it could be.” Trending on B...