Use the template to customize the way the column displays its value.For additional and more complex examples that utilize column templates, visit the Knowledge Base documentation, and use the following search terms:column template grid column template Column Template | Kendo UI Grid...
下面的网格配置演示了对Units InStock列的GroupHeaderTemplate进行注释,会显示ProductName列的GroupHeaderColumnTemplate。 $(“#grid”).kendoGrid({ dataSource:{ type: “odata”, transport: { read:“” }, pageSize: 7, group:{ field...
Kendo UI for jQuery Overview Frameworks Demos Roadmap Docs & Support Pricing Try nowGridConfigurationcolumnscolumns.footertemplatecolumns.footerTemplate String|Function The template which renders the footer table cell for the column.The fields which can be used in the template are:average...
4.在Grid中隐藏某个指定的列,需要在columns中指定column下面添加: hidden:true, 5.使用模板来格式化显示grid中的列数据,给对应列添加模板的代码如下: template : "#=(value==-1) ? '-' :formatValue(value)#" 6.对齐显示grid中列文本的代码如下: attributes:{ style: "text-align: right"} 7.绑定一个...
Rows:#:rowText# Columns:#:columnText# Value:#:value ? value : "N/A" # $(document).ready(function() { $("#pivotgrid").kendoPivotGrid({ columnWidth: 120, height: 570, dataSource: { data: products, schema: { model: { fields: { ProductName: {...
Kendo UI for jQuery R2 2020 SP1试用版下载 Kendo UI目前最新提供Kendo UI for jQuery、Kendo UI for Angular、Kendo UI Support for React和Kendo UI Support for Vue四个控件。Kendo UI for jQuery是创建现代Web应用程序的最完整UI库。 组模板 应用分组时,Grid的分组行将数据行组织为树形结构。
columnMenu:true, 在Grid中隐藏某个指定的列,需要在columns中指定column下面添加: hidden:true, 使用模板来格式化显示grid中的列数据,给对应列添加模板的代码如下: template: "#=(value==-1) ? '-' :formatValue(value)#" 对齐显示grid中列文本的代码如下: ...
向Kendo UI的Grid(表格)中添加Kendo UI的控件,如upload, DateTimePicker, DropDownList控件,源代码如下(代码需放在Kendo UI的根目录下): 1<!DOCTYPE html>234567891011121314
var cellInfo = grid.cellInfoByElement(target); return kendo.template($("#template").html())({ rowText: generateName(cellInfo.rowTuple), columnText: generateName(cellInfo.columnTuple), value: cellInfo.dataItem.fmtValue }); } function generateName(tuple) { ...
Get started with code examples for the jQuery Grid by Kendo UI and learn how to use methods and which events to set once the widget detail is initialized.