The Kendo UI for jQuery Drag and Drop component combines the kendoDraggable and kendoDropTarget controls to provide drag-and-drop feature to web applications. The kendoDraggable control enables an element to be moved by mouse or finger while the kendoDropTarget control helps you define one or mo...
jQuery UI libraries are also included in DevCraft bundles.Learn more. Satisfy All Your jQuery UI Requirements and Save Time While Doing It Meet even the strictest requirements for performance, design and UX, accessibility, and so much more with this customizable, designer and developer-friendly jQ...
ProductProgress® Kendo UI® TreeList for jQuery Description How can I use the Drag-and-Drop functionality of the Kendo UI TreeList on mobile devices? Solution To overcome the interference of the device scrolling and the drag-and-drop: ...
Kendo UI是一个用于开发现在HTML UI操作界面的框架。基于最新技术HTML5、CSS3和JavaScript标准设计开发。Kendo UI包含了开发现代JavaScript开发所需要的所有一切,包括:强大的数据源,通用的拖拉(Drag-and-Drop)功能,模板,和UI控件。 More than UI Kendo UI combines everything needed for modern JavaScript development,...
Drag and Drop Effects Loader ProgressBar Ripple Container SkeletonContainer Sortable Styling Diagrams & Maps Diagram Map OrgChart Hybrid UI Launch Demos Common Features Framework DataSource Drawing API Globalization Integration with JS libraries MVVM ...
The Kendo UI Grid with locked columns creates two tables. To initialize the drag and drop over the locked table, we need to use the lockedTable element.Initialize the sortable over the lockedTable element.Get the corresponding cells from the unlocked content table by looking for the row with ...
Kendo UI for jQuery数据网格使用户能够通过使用disableEditing和enableEditing方法以编程方式切换其编辑功能。Kendo UI for jQuery PivotGridv2 - 导出到Excel Kendo UI for jQuery PivotGridv2现在使用户可以轻松地将其内容导出到Microsoft Excel,此外,您可以利用excelExport事件进一步定制导出的文件。其他增强功能 支持...
Kendo UI目前最新提供KendoUI for jQuery、KendoUI for Angular、KendoUI Support for React和KendoUI Support for Vue四个控件。Kendo UI for jQuery是创建现代Web应用程序的完整UI库。 所有Web Kendo UI小部件都保留对元素和封装DOM元素的引用,并且所有混合Kendo UI小部件仅保留对元素DOM元素的引用。
Telerik和Kendo UI2024 Q3版本将焦点放在新推出的页面模板和构建块上,每个页面模板和构建块都预先配置了Telerik UI for Blazor、Kendo UI for Angular和KendoReact组件,您只需要复制粘贴即可。 Kendo UI for jQuery是完整的jQuery UI组件库,可快速构建出色的高性能响应式Web应用程序。Kendo UI for jQuery提供在短时间...
所有KendoUI小部件都提供可用于在运行时查询或修改其状态的方法和事件。 获取Widget实例 使用jQuery数据方法 使用getKendo<WidgetName>方法 jQuery数据方法 The Kendo UIwidgets是jQuery插件,获取对窗口小部件实例的引用常用方法是使用jQuery数据方法并将插件名称作为字符串传递。