table0.dataSource.remove(lastTableData); //添加一条至最后一条后 table0.dataSource.add(req[k]);//然后grid会自动更新 2、某行中某列的值更新 //获取grid表格的某一行 var rowData1 =; //设置某列的新值 rowData1.set("connect","OK");...
var data =; $.each(data, function (i, row) { if (row.ScheduleExecuteDate >= nowDate) $('tr[data-uid="' + row.uid + '"] ').css("color", "#ff0000"); }); } 13、超链接 (1)columns.Bound(p => p.FileTypeText).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("#= Fil...
Handle the Error event of the DataSource that triggers when the request to the remote endpoint fails. In the event handler, display the errors, call the cancelChanges() method of the Grid as is explained in this article, and display the Notification with the respective mess...
$("#client").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { transport: { read: { url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products", dataType: "jsonp" }, update: { url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Update", dataType: "jsonp" }, destroy: { url: telerikWebServiceBase + "/Products/Destroy", dataType: "...
其实在 WPF 里面是不存在单独设置 Grid 的某一行的配色,但是想要达到这个视觉效果,可以通过 Border ...
i am using kendo grid. is there any inbuilt API for generate Row Number Column in kendo Grid. i tried this way in onGridDataBound Event. gridName = gridName == null ? '' : '#' + gridName; var dataTable = $(gridName + ' .k-grid-header table'); var ContentTable = $(grid...
fyi...The详细信息行不是kendoGrid。它是一个像#= MyDataField#这样的标签布局。 代码语言:javascript 复制 function detailInit(e) { var detailRow = e.detailRow; //Go get the details for the selected row var ds = new { transport: { read: { data: "d.Data", data...
$kendo-form-row-spacing-lg $kendo-form-lg-row-spacing ## Gantt Old nameNew name $gantt-* $kendo-gantt-* ## Grid Old nameNew name $kendo-grid-padding-x-sm $kendo-grid-sm-padding-x $kendo-grid-padding-y-sm $kendo-grid-sm-padding-y $kendo-grid-header-padding-x-sm $kendo-grid-sm...
Avoid insert duplicate data into database by MVC5 C# Background job run in mvc Bad Request - Querystring Length exceeds Bad sequence of commands. Attempting to send to a non-local e-mail address Best and free grid list in MVC Best encryption for query string Best Place in...
} vm.enterPersonGrid.table.on("click", "#deleteTest", deleteTest); function deleteTest(){ var row = $(this).closest("tr"); var dataItem = vm.enterPersonGrid.dataItem(row); var pId =; vm.addPersonData.splice(pId,1); for(var i = 0; i < vm.addPersonData.length; ...