<divid="grid"></div><script>$("#grid").kendoGrid({ columns: [ { field:"name"}, { field:"age"} ], dataSource: [ { name:"Jane Doe", age:30}, { name:"John Doe", age:33} ], selectable:"multiple, row", change:function(e) {//选中当前行varselectedRows=this.select();vars...
<div id="grid"></div> <script>$("#grid").kendoGrid({ columns: [ { field:"name"}, { field:"age"} ], dataSource: [ { name:"Jane Doe", age:30}, { name:"John Doe", age:33} ], selectable:"multiple, row", change: function(e) {//选中当前行varselectedRows =this.select()...
e.model:选中当前要编辑的数据,可以使用isNew()方法来检查数据项是新建还是编辑 e.sender:当前kendoGrid实例 <div id="grid"></div> <script> $("#grid").kendoGrid({ columns: [ { field: "id" }, { field: "name" }, { field: "age" }, { command: "edit" } ], dataSource: { data: [...
$("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, selectable: "single, row", change: function(e) { console.log("change", this.dataItem(this.select()[0])); const selection = this.select(); if (selection && selection.length > 0) { $("#selection")[0].innerHTML = this.dataItem(select...
对于多行选择(GridSelectionMode.Multiple),select()将返回一个行数组。 然后,您可以遍历数组,并且可以将各个行传递到网格的dataItem()中。 varentityGrid = $("#EntitesGrid").data("kendoGrid");varrows = entityGrid.select(); rows.each(function(index, row) {varselectedItem =entityGrid.dataItem(row);...
kendoGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, change: function () { this._lastSelectedItem = this.dataItem(this.select()); }, dataBound: function () { var row; if (this._lastSelectedItem) { row = $(this.tbody).find("tr[data-uid='" + this._lastSelectedItem.uid + "']") if ($(row)....
Grid Highlights Built-in selection state Introduces a select and defaultSelect state properties. GridSelectionChangeEvent now return the new select state. Built-in detail-row expansion state Introduces a detailExpand and defaultDetailExpand state properties. Accepting DetailExpandDescriptor object. Introd...
在Kendo Angular Grid中禁用行选择切换的方法是通过设置selectable属性为false来实现。具体步骤如下: 在HTML模板中,找到Kendo Angular Grid的标签,并添加[selectable]="false"属性。示例代码如下: 代码语言:html 复制 <kendo-grid[data]="gridData"[selectable]="false"><!-- Grid columns and other config...
"multiple, cell" - the user can select multiple cells.When the selectable property is set to "multiple, row" or "multiple, cell" the Grid cannot be scrollable on mobile devices as both are listening on the same event.Example - set selectable as a booleanEdit...
$event)" (groupChange)="groupChange($event)" (dataStateChange)="dataStateChange($event)" (keydown)="keyPress($event)" (excelExport)="onExcelExport($event)" [kendoGridSelectBy]="selectedKey" [selectedKeys]="excludedRow" [selectable]="{enabled: true, checkboxOnly: true}" > <kendo-grid...