Kendo jQuery 网格(Grid):一个高度可定制的数据表格控件,支持分页、排序、过滤、编辑等功能。 下拉过滤器(Dropdown Filter):一种过滤器类型,允许用户从一个下拉列表中选择一个值来过滤网格数据。 相关优势 用户体验:下拉过滤器提供了一种直观且高效的方式来过滤数据,用户只需选择即可,无需手动输入。
KendoUI目前最新提供KendoUI for jQuery、KendoUI for Angular、KendoUI Support for React和KendoUI Support for Vue四个控件。KendoUI for jQuery是创建现代Web应用程序的完整UI库。 Grid的全球化 全球化过程结合了组件消息的翻译(本地化)和使其适应特定的文化(国际化和从右到左的支持)。 网格的全球化功...
It is similar to Devon's issue - the first row of the grid shows the dropdown html properly (with correct data binding and selection) but the subsequent rows show only a textbox (input of type text). The text box has the correct enum value as fetched from the database. How can we ...
filter: "td", content: toolTip, width: 400, height: 100, ;top" }); $(".k-grid-content").click(toolTip); function toolTip(e){ var target =$(; var grid =$("#pivotgrid").getKendoPivotGrid(); var cellInfo =grid.cellInfoByElement(target); returnkendo.template($("#template...
kendo:grid-column-filterable-ui The role data attribute of the widget used in the filter menu or a JavaScript function which initializes that widget. Example <kendo:grid-column-filterable><kendo:grid-column-filterable-ui>function(e){// Code to handle the ui event.}</kendo:grid-column-filtera...
PivotGrid支持在OLAP和平面数据绑定方案中进行排序。要启用可排序功能,请将sortable属性设置为true。 PivotGrid支持按成员的标题名称进行排序,排序描述符的结构类似于的sort选项,并包含以下选项: field — 维度的名称,例如[Date].[Calendar]。
The jQuery Filter provides users with an interface to build complex filters for data sets of any size. Also referred to as a query builder, the Filter component is a point-and-click too for creating and editing filter rules one by one to ultimately end up with an expression. It can be ...
filter: "td", content: toolTip, width: 400, height: 100, position: "top" }); $(".k-grid-content").click(toolTip); function toolTip(e) { var target = $(; var grid = $("#pivotgrid").getKendoPivotGrid(); var cellInfo = grid.cellInfoByElement(target); ...
push(item); seen[text] = true; } } return result; } var filterSource = new{ data: products }); $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: products, schema: { model: { fields: { ProductName: { type: "string"}, UnitPrice: { type: "number" }, Units...