使用kendo-grid Column属性的自定义Kendo Vue网格包装器列模板 用于角度的Kendo UI网格如果未选中复选框,则禁用文本框 如何使用复选框在单个网格视图中合并多个行过滤器记录 我想在MVC UI的kendo网格中展开和折叠select行 如何在kendo网格列的UTC和本地时间格式之间切换?
this.$nextTick 将回调延迟到下次DOM更新循环之后执行。在修改数据之后立即使用它,然后等待DOM更新。
protected gridCellClose(event: any):void{if(event.formGroup.valid) { Object.assign(this.sheetData.find(data => data ===event.dataItem), event.formGroup.value); } } private createFormGroup(dataItem: any, columnName: string): FormGroup { let validationFn=this.validators.get(columnName);if(...
}).data(“kendoPivotSlicer”); var pivot = $(“#pivotgrid”).kendoPivotGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, columnWidth: 200, height: 580, expandMember: function (e) { if (!e.childrenLoaded && slicer.push(e.axis, e.path)) { e.preventDefault(); } } }).data(“kendoPivotGrid”); });...
I have a Kendo UI grid with a Date column. I can successfully set the column's date format, however I can not set the corresponding filter UI's datepicker's date format. What I've tried so far: 1) Some google results contain the following: ...
grid: fix grid column menu width (2d62d41) 6.4.0-dev.3 (2023-05-08) Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-classic 6.4.0-dev.2 (2023-05-04) Bug Fixes grid: fix sticky row selection (ce9d338) list: missing font-family property (92cb702) remove icon sizes ov...
selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'], providers: [ProductService] }) 4. 添加将用于对 Grid 进行分页和排序的 AppComponent 类成员: export class AppComponent { // ... public gridItems: Observable<GridDataResult>; ...
For this requrement you could set set some attrubutes to a particular column and use it in the selector: $("#grid").kendoGrid({ //... columns: [{ //... }, { attributes: { "class": "customClass" } }, { //... }] }); $("#grid").on("dblclick", " tbody > tr > ...
grid: add columnType=select for out-of-the-box selection grid: introduce built-in spanned columns layout: add adaptive enhancement to the tabstrip toolbar: add overflow scroll mode toolbar: add overflow section mode Supported Themes @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^10.2.0 @progress/kendo-them...