常用的事件包括change、select等。 在相应的事件回调函数中,可以通过Kendo网格的API方法来获取选定单元格的值。例如,可以使用dataItem方法获取选定行的数据项,再通过字段名获取对应单元格的值。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何获取选定的Kendo网格单元格值: 代码语言:txt 复制 // 创建Kendo网格 $("#grid").kendoGrid(...
console.error('Error fetching data:', error); this.gridLoading = false; }); } } 打开data-view.component.html文件,添加以下代码: <kendo-grid [data]="gridData" [loading]="gridLoading"> <kendo-grid-column field="id" title="ID" ></kendo-grid-column> <kendo-grid-column field="title" t...
console.error('Error fetching data:', error); this.gridLoading = false; }); } } 打开data-view.component.html文件,添加以下代码: <kendo-grid [data]="gridData" [loading]="gridLoading"> <kendo-grid-column field="id" title="ID" ></kendo-grid-column> <kendo-grid-column field="title" t...
1. 首先,安装Grid npm包和所有依赖项: ng add @progress/kendo-angular-grid 2. 在src/app/app.component.ts中导入必要的类型和数据服务: import { GridDataResult, PageChangeEvent } from "@progress/kendo-angular-grid"; import { SortDescriptor } from "@progress/kendo-data-query"; import { ProductS...
grid: column configurations are not filtered correctly grid: fix column sizes calculation grid: select first data cell when navgatable is true grid: selectable cell should focus the checkbox when navigatable large bundle size when importing KendoReact packages pdf: reactdom.render or createroot based...
For this requrement you could set set some attrubutes to a particular column and use it in the selector: $("#grid").kendoGrid({ //... columns: [{ //... }, { attributes: { "class": "customClass" } }, { //... }] }); $("#grid").on("dblclick", " tbody > tr > ...
columnWidth: 200, height: 580, expandMember: function (e) { if (!e.childrenLoaded && slicer.push(e.axis, e.path)) { e.preventDefault(); } } }).data(“kendoPivotGrid”); }); </script> 公司名称:北京哲想软件有限公司 北京哲想软件官方网站:www.cogitosoft.com ...
grid: fix grid column menu width (2d62d41) 6.4.0-dev.3 (2023-05-08) Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-classic 6.4.0-dev.2 (2023-05-04) Bug Fixes grid: fix sticky row selection (ce9d338) list: missing font-family property (92cb702) remove icon sizes ov...
For a runnable example, refer to the [demo on resizing columns in the Grid](https://demos.telerik.com/{{ site.platform }}/grid/column-resizing). When scrolling is disabled and a Grid column is resized, other columns change widths too, so that the sum of all column widths remains consta...