string: { startswith: "Starts with", eq: "Is equal to", neq: "Is not equal to" } } }, columns:[ { field: "state", title:"状态", width: 100, filterable: { ui: function(element){ //下拉列表 element.kendoDropDownList({ dataSource: ['AAA','BBB'], optionLabel: "--Select Valu...
var guid = kendo.guid(); $(‘’).appendTo(container); $(‘ ’).appendTo(container); } 自定义编辑 网格使您可以实现自定义列编辑器,并指定在用户编辑数据时适用的验证规则。 实施自定义编辑器 要在网格中实现自定义编辑器,请指定相应列的编辑器字段。该字段的值将指向JavaScript函数,该函数将实例...
data-value-update="keypress"===textarea,dropdownlist=== var viewModel=kendo.observable({ products: [ { id:1, name:"Coffee" }, { id:2, name:"Tea" }, { id:3, name:"Juice" }], names: ["Tea","Juice"],}); kendo.bind($("select"), viewModel);备注:绑定的value:names在绑定的sou...
DropDownlist in mvc with auto postback Dropdownlist is accepting 'selected', but isn't rendering that option as selected Dropdownlist multiselect using sumoselect on post Dropdownlist Onclick DropdownList selected value not selected DropDownListFor blank entry DropDownListFor not showing in html view, but...
分别为Title和City列实例化KendoUI AutoComplete和DropDownList。 <!DOCTYPEhtml> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#grid").kendoGrid({ data
.kendoDropDownList({ autoBind: false, dataTextField: "CategoryName", dataValueField: "CategoryID", dataSource: { type: "odata", transport: { read: "" } } }); } 设置验证规则 要为编辑操作定义验证规则,请在数据源的架...
DropDownList = ui.DropDownList, keys = kendo.keys, SELECT = "select", SELECTIONCHANGED = "selectionChanged", SELECTED = "k-state-selected", HIGHLIGHTED = "k-state-active", CHECKBOX = "custom-multiselect-check-item", SELECTALLITEM = "custom-multiselect-selectAll-item", MULTISELECTPOPUP = "custo...
Checkbox CheckBoxGroup ColorGradient ColorPicker ComboBox Updated DateInput DatePicker DateTimePicker DropDownList DropDownTree Updated Image Editor ListBox MaskedTextBox Updated MultiColumnComboBox Updated MultiSelect Updated NumericTextBox Updated RadioButton RadioGroup RangeSlider ...
The following example demonstrates a widget with the autoBind: false when the primitive value forces binding.<!-- widget is not bound on load, even though the selected item is shown --> var viewModel = kendo.observable({ selectedProductId: 2, products: new{ data...
Single select elements or Kendo UI DropDownList replacements. Important To make use of native-like forms layout and to properly align widgets without additional styling, it is advisable to build and organize your mobile forms using Kendo UI ListView for mobile. The input elements with a picker use...