if (getInitialExpression()) { //Apply filter if there was a storedexpression. $("#filter").data("kendoFilter").applyFilter(); } $("#listView").kendoListView({ dataSource:dataSource, template: kendo.template($("#item").html()) }); }); functionapplyAndStoreFilterExpression(e) { e.s...
dataBound:function() {//数据加载后执行的事件if(!this.dataSource.data().length) {varclos=this.dataSource.options.fields.length+1;this.tbody.append('<tr class="no-data"><td colspan="'+clos+'">没有找到相关数据</td></tr>'); }else{this.tbody.find(".no-data").remove(); } }, exc...
total:String|Function 远程数据的总数,在这里需要指定返回参数中取值字段名称,或者使用函数自己进行过滤返回。此属性和data属性一样,在后台返回的数据格式中如果包含其他信息,需要进行过滤告诉组件如何获取对应的数据。 type: String 数据源的格式,默认为json。其他格式包括xml。 parse:Function 对数据进行格式化,相当于数...
ready(function() { $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { // 数据源配置 data: [ { id: 1, name: "John", age: 30 }, { id: 2, name: "Jane", age: 25 }, { id: 3, name: "Bob", age: 40 } ], filter: { field: "age", operator: "eq", value: 30 } // 过滤器配...
它是一个像#= MyDataField#这样的标签布局。 代码语言:javascript 复制 function detailInit(e) { var detailRow = e.detailRow; //Go get the details for the selected row var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource( { transport: { read: { data: "d.Data", dataFilter: function (data) { var msg...
dataSource.filter({ field: "FieldName", operator: function(item, value){ //implement your logic }, I've also traced the Kendo logic (Kendo.web.js) and noticed a function called "normalizeOperator" which fails when the operator is not a string. ...
_filterSource: function () { this.dataSource.filter({ logic: "or", filters: [ { field: "code", operator: "contains", value: this.text() }, { field: "name", operator: "contains", value: this.text() } ] }); } }));
dataSource: dataSource, template: kendo.template($("#item").html()) }); }); function applyAndStoreFilterExpression(e) { e.sender.applyFilter(); // Apply filtering on every change. localStorage["myInitialFilterExpression"] = JSON.stringify(e.expression); // Store the filter expression for...
dataSource:titles }); } functioncityFilter(element) { element.kendoDropDownList({ dataSource:cities, optionLabel: "–Select Value–" }); } </script> </div> </body> </html> 公司名称:北京哲想软件有限公司 北京哲想动画官方网站:www.cogito.com.cn ...
.Filterable(ftb => ftb.Mode(GridFilterMode.Row)) .HtmlAttributes(new{style="height:550px;"}) .Pageable(pager => pager.AlwaysVisible(true).PageSizes(new int[]{5,10,20,50,100})) .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .WebApi()