酒庄肯德-杰克逊酒庄Kendall Jackson 葡萄黑皮诺Pinot Noir 参考价格 / CNY ¥680.00-750.00(2007) 品鉴信息TASTING NOTES 风味: 酸度中高 丨 甜度干 丨 单宁中等 丨 酒体中等 丨 回味中等 颜色: 宝石红 香气: 紫罗兰花 、覆盆子 、黑醋栗 、甘草 建议试饮期 : ...
Notes of plum sauce, cranberries, earthy red cherries and loamy soil result in an authentic Pinot Noir tasting effort. Medium-bodied, soft and delicious, it should drink well for 2-4 years. Kendall-Jackson enjoys a well-deserved reputation for over-delivering quality vis a vis price for its...
Notes of plum sauce, cranberries, earthy red cherries and loamy soil result in an authentic Pinot Noir tasting effort. Medium-bodied, soft and delicious, it should drink well for 2-4 years. Kendall-Jackson enjoys a well-deserved reputation for over-delivering quality vis a vis price for its...
肯德-杰克逊酒庄(Kendall Jackson) 肯德-杰克逊酒庄(Kendall Jackson)由杰斯·杰克逊(Jess Jackson)创立于美国加利福尼亚州(California)索诺玛县(Sonoma County)。杰克逊成长于美国经济大萧条时期,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)法律系,大学期间做过码头工人、警察、法律研究员等工作以支付学...