THE CIVIL WAR" - the most-watched series ever aired on public television - hints at TV's potential "to become our new Homeric mode, the campfire where our epic poems are sung," says Ken Burns. The young filmmaker's acclaimed 11-hour documentary premiered last week to a record-breaking...
In the final accounting, "The Civil War" became the first documentary to gross over $100 million. Not surprisingly, it has become perennial fund-raising programming for public TV stations around the country. Burns arrived upon the scene with the Oscar-nominated Brooklyn Bridge (1981), a ...
Ken Burns: The Civil War: The 25th anniversary of the documentary series "The Civil War" includes video clips and interviews with Ken Burns, Geoffrey Ward, Ric Burns, Buddy Squires and others.
Ken Burns, the ace documentarian known for his extensive deep dives into topics ranging from the Civil War to baseball, is tackling yet another piece of American history withCountry Music, a 16-hour docuseries thattraces the genrefrom its origins as a musical tradition rooted in ballads, hymns,...
Ken Burns: One Nation, Many Stories: With Ken Burns, David Axelrod, Kara Swisher. Exploring the work of filmmaker Ken Burns, including "Country Music", "Muhammad Ali", "Benjamin Franklin", "The US and the Holocaust", "The American Buffalo", The Vietnam W
La guerra del Vietnam: un film di Ken Burns e Lynn Novick: Con Peter Coyote, Huy Duc, James Willbanks, Duong Van Mai Elliott. Uno sguardo completo del coinvolgimento degli Stati Uniti nel conflitto armato aspramente diviso nel sudest asiatico.
The Civil Waris a nine-part series that explores the most important conflict in our nation’s history. The war was fought in 10,000 places, more than 3 million Americans fought in it, and over 600,000 men – 2 percent of the population – died in it. It saw the end of slavery and...
racker, and More]]>Ken Burns's miniseries documentary 'The Civil War,' a Dallas festival dedicated to famed playwright and screenwriter Horton Foote, a mobile phone application to track your tax return, and more recommendations.U.S. Newspapers...
of Freedom,” which was sung with different lyrics by North and South. The contemporary piece is the haunting yet melodic “Ashokan Farewell” composed by Jay Ungar. To Burns, its music is “the equivalent of the tragedy and the purpose and the uplift and the loss that is the Civil War...