Signatures of Kelvin and Rossby waves in the tropical Indian Ocean from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeterOne of the characteristic features of the Indian Ocean north of 20S is the variability associated with the monsoonal wind reversals. It is known that large-scale, low frequency forcing associated with ...
赤道太平洋的Rossby波和Kelvin波 大洋环流和海气相互作用的数值模拟 第七讲ENSO的数值模拟(1)ENSO(ElNino-SouthernOscillation)是一种在年际尺度上的热带太平洋大尺度海气相互作用的现象,主要体现为热带太平洋和大气环流的年际气候异常,并可以影响全球气候环境的变化。数值模拟是在一定的数学和物理定律基础上,利用电子...
Liu F, Huang G, Yan M (2014) Role of SST meridional structure in coupling the Kelvin and Rossby waves of the intraseasonal oscilla- tion. Theor Appl Climatol. doi:10.1007/s00704-00014-01266- 00700G. Huang, and Y. Mi, 2015: Role of SST meridional struc- ture in coupling the Kelvin ...
It is found that the fast adjustment due to the coastal Kelvin wave and equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves, and the slow adjustment due to the eastern boundary planetary wave play important roles in the redistribution of the initial anomalous mass, thereby determining the phase and magnitude of ...
浅水系统-赤道Rossby&Kelvin波解 浅水方程 浅水方程是对于真实大气流体的简化模拟,然而,尽管它很简单,但它通常可以很好地洞察许多大气 波现象。 浅水模型的基本假设是: 流体是不可压缩的,密度为常数 流体足够浅,水平动量部分与高度无关 流体是静力的,垂直方向的加速度被忽略...
对于一个相速度c为30m/s时,则对应的 , 开尔文模式的经向力平衡是纬向速度和经向压力梯度之间的精确地转平衡。 正是赤道处科里奥利参数符号的变化使得这种特殊类型的赤道模态得以存在。 Illustration of Kelvin (upper panel) and Rossby-gravity (lower panel) waves....
Waves, atmosphericSatellite observationsMoisture/moisture budgetRadars/Radar observationsThis study investigates precipitation amounts and apparent heat sources, which are coupled with equatorial Kelvin waves and equatorial Rossby waves, using TRMM PR level 2 data products. The synoptic structures of wave ...
Equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves evidenced in the Pacific Ocean through Geosat sea level and surface current anomalies It is suggested that the equatorial upwelling Rossby wave is mostly due to a reflection of an equatorial upwelling Kelvin wave generated in January 1987 ... T Delcroix,J Picaut...
It is shown that Rosby wave and Kelvin wave can be converted into each other at a boundary in a rotating shallow water system using numerical experiments. This conversion makes it possible that Rossby wave pass through an island in the transient process of an initial value problem. In the st...