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Wildfire Service noted Sunday that rain is in the forecast for late Monday night, which should allow firefighters to gain some ground. However, the wildfire service also warned that tropical storm Hilary, which is causing flooding in southern California...
Science City features hands-on exhibits including a mock television studio where kids can deliver a weather forecast, while the Zoo houses impressive African and Australian exhibits plus an IMAX Theater. The city's museums cover everything from the history of jazz music to a celebration of ...
根据Weather Network的季节性预测,卑诗省天气温和,大部分时间处于干燥状态。 Photo credit: Weather Network 原文链接:Canada in for 'cold, harsh' winter – but most of BC forecast to be mild and dry 更多关于Okanagan地区和Kelowna基洛纳的信息,请咨询莱克地产汪先峤。