Keloid scars develop after surgery or an injury as a consequence of abnormal scar formation. Image Source: © Richard Usatine, MD Keloids can be considered to be "scarsthat don't know when to stop." A keloidsometimes referred to as a keloidscar, is a tough heaped-up scar that rises q...
and takes less than an hour to complete. After the scar is removed during keloid surgery, the edges of the skin are stitched back together. This procedure is less than 45 percent effective unless other treatments are performed before, during, and...
i had a keloid scar after i got my ear pierced. i had four surgeries to remove it but it still came back and steroids and a pressure plate didn't stop it from reforming. After the last surgery i had radiation therapy and it has done the trick. i highly recommend radiation therapy as...
The best way to avoid tattoo keloids is to not get a tattoo. A person who has previously developed a keloid after any type of skin injury is not advised to get a tattoo as they are more likely to develop a keloid after having a tattoo. Should unusual scarring occur after having a tat...