Got rid of a keloid on my belly button piercing Reply Replied by Elizabeth T. (Boise, Id Usa) 09/03/2017 What is BC powder? Reply 1 Apple Cider Vinegar Posted by Hydenryke (Mn., US) on 03/25/2015 Hi - I just was reading about ACV as a cure for keloid scarring. ...
I have had keloids for the last 26 years on my chest. They are very itchy and sometimes hurt. I have had several treatments for them, including laser, steroids injected, patches, but nothing worked. They are very big and seems growing every day. ...
Tip: To stop keloids from growing near an ear piercing, buy a Zimmer splint that you can wear on your ear. The splint will apply pressure and prevent the keloid from getting bigger. 4 Get corticosteroid injections every 4 to 6 weeks. If you've recently had surgery or your skin is recov...