Because there are choices. The problem with being Amish, the problem with being a Hunter-gatherer is that you have only one occupation. You have, if you were born with a natural ability for mathematics, the violin, ballerina, science, I don’t know, anything, you’re going to be thwarte...
James Patrick Kelly has been honored with the Hugo Award for his novelettes “Think Like a Dinosaur” and “1016to 1,” and the Nebula Award for his novellaBurn. His most recent books are the novellaKing of the Dogs,Queen Of the Cats(which he described as a “romantic comedy” set on...
“Hello, this is the front desk calling. We have a message for R. Kelly.” “Wait, he’s not even here. You don’t mean a messagefromR. Kelly?” “No, sorr—” Second flying phone of the night. Christ. I call my best friend Michella on the block of a cell phone I finally ...
Tweets: @hunterwalk Dan Seifert / The Verge: Google Glass' awkward interactions parodied on ‘Saturday Night Live’ — Google Glass and its new approach to a constantly-connected lifestyle has already been the butt of a number of jokes, including Tumblr blogs devoted to showing how ...