Kelkoo helps you to find offers and reviews quickly and easily, we also provide specific shopping guides to help you buy at the best price.
Kelkoo helps you to find offers and reviews quickly and easily, we also provide specific shopping guides to help you buy at the best price.
The power of Kelkoo Group 39 Countries Global presence 10K Merchants Trust Kelkoo Group 350M Clicks Generated annually Case studies With 20 years of experience in e-commerce, digital advertising and consumer analytics, we are trusted all over the world by merchants, publishers, agencies and e-...
The power of Kelkoo Group 39 Countries Global presence 10K Merchants Trust Kelkoo Group 350M Clicks Generated annually Case studies With 20 years of experience in e-commerce, digital advertising and consumer analytics, we are trusted all over the world by merchants, publishers, agencies and e-...
Kelkoo has 1 board of directors, including Per Elvebakk. Name Firm Work History Other Seats Per Elvebakk Director, Business Development, Visma Collectors, Visma; Cofounder & Director, Business Development, Invoicia Norge AS; Chairman, Hands Services AS; Cofounder, Bankia Bank; CEO Norway, Sili...
商标类别 简单又不失时尚的 "客拉酷,KELKOO"是属于 25类 服装鞋帽 商标,该商标设计匠心独运,构思大胆且贴近商品。 适用领域 符合使用在鞋、皮带(服饰用)等领域。 商标状态 目前客拉酷,KELKOO的最新状态是商标注册申请已完成,并通过商标局审查下发证书。 有效期 使用期限于2025-06-13到期。
Trust Kelkoo Group 350M Clicks Generated annually Case studies With 20 years of experience in e-commerce, digital advertising and consumer analytics, we are trusted all over the world by merchants, publishers, agencies and e-shoppers for the quality and performance of our services ...
Find out more about Kelkoo Group, our rich history, our various locations, talented people and find out how to join our dynamic team.
Kelkoo公司原成立于1999年,总部设在巴黎,专门提供网上商店的产品价格比较服务,它可以列举出相同产品在不同商店的价格。美国的Shoping已经实现赢利,去年总收入为6720万美元,纯利润690万美元。 网站服务 据悉,Kelkoo网站的的访问量占欧洲网站总访问量的1/10,约有300万种产品和2500多家零售商店加盟。雅虎公司大口吞掉Kel...