Kel-Tec KSG. 21st century shotgun.(, Paul
Kel-Tec brought bull-pupshotgunsback into the mainstream with the KSG. However, this shotgun weighed around 11 pounds fully loaded. It was heavy and bulky, but could be loaded for anything. So, the company lightened the load somewhat with the Kel-Tec KS7 shotgun. [in_content post=”1000...
Kel-Tec KSG霰弹枪 Kel-Tec公司在2010年底在公开的KSG霰弹枪(Kel-tec ShotGun的缩写)是一种无托结构的双管弹仓泵动霰弹枪,该枪和南非的Neostead霰弹枪很相似,或者说KSG其实就是反过来的Neostead。 Neostead霰弹枪的两根管状弹仓位于枪管上方,装填动作是把装填手柄(护木)先向前推再往后拉。而KSG霰弹枪的两根管状弹...
We create firearms to secure your world. We believe in respect, family and the right to bear arms. Our innovative engineering changed gun design.
KelTec's KSG shotgun changed the game. Our bullpup pump-action KSG and KS7 hold 3" 12 ga shells and are downward-ejecting. Read more..