美国Kel-Tec公司2003-2006年研制的一种.308英寸(7.62x51mm)口径半自动无托步枪,最初的名称叫SRT-8步枪,后来改为RFB步枪。RFB是“无托结构前抛壳步枪”(Rifle, Forward ejection, Bullpup)的缩写生产的RFB无托步枪,最大的特点就是,用了一个前抛壳技术,让空弹壳朝着枪口方向抛出,这样即便换手射击,也不存在传统无托...
Kel-Tec RFB步枪 口径:.308 WIN(7.62×51mm NATO) RFB是“无托结构前抛壳步枪”(Rifle, Forward ejection, Bullpup)的缩写,这是美国凯尔科技数控工业公司(Kel-tec CNC Industries company)的总设计师乔治·凯尔格伦(George Kellgren)主持研制的。乔治·凯尔格伦研制无托步枪有很长的历史,瑞典在1970年代后期研制的MKR...
The concept of the bullpup firearm is not new. It has actually been around for over 110 years dating back to 1901 when an English gunsmith and inventor created the first bullpup rifle, the Thorneycroft Carbine. It was a bolt-action gun that placed the action behind the trigger workings and...
Kel-Tec RFB Hunter Semi-Automatic Bullpup Rifle .308 Winchester This RFB 7.62 NATO bullpup rifle (.308 Winchesterstandard equivalent caliber) is the pinnacle of advanced Kel-Tec technology and power. Featuring proprietary forward-ejection technology that Kel-Tec expertly incorporates into most of its...
Kel-TecRFB步枪 托结构前抛壳步枪 RFB是“无托结构前抛壳步枪”(Rifle, Forward ejection, Bullpup)的缩写,这是美国凯尔科技数控工业公司的总设计师乔治·凯尔格伦(George Kellgren)主持研制的。乔治·凯尔格伦研制无托步枪有很长的历史,瑞典在1970年代后期研制的MKR步枪就是出自他之手。后来凯尔格伦在美国继续设计了...
Are you a bullpup fan? Would you use the Kel-Tec RFB as aSHTF gun? Share your answers in the comment section. The charging handle is plastic on the tip of a wide thin metal piece . You can change sides but It reciprocates. Shooting it with loose clothing or some stations is dangerou...
They make unusual weapons like the SU 16, a 5.56 semi-auto rifle that isn’t your standard AR-15, they also maketheir own bullpup rifles in 308 and 5.56 calibres (my review). KelTec Sub 2000 Review:: Breakdown and Specs The Kel-Tec Sub 2000 is apistol caliber carbinethat’s availabl...
所谓的RFB是一个缩写,全称是Rifle,Forward-ejection,Bullpup,意思是:前抛壳型无托结构步枪。由美国佛罗里达州枪械公司Kel-Tec数控工业公司研制及生产的无托结构半自动战斗步枪,发射7.62 × 51 毫米北约/308 ... +5 分享回复赞 苏美尔吧 酷酷游戏 肤浅理解:早王朝时期至乌尔第三王朝是否真的存在马尔杜克神?楔形文本...
而本文要讲的RFB步枪是Kel-Tec公司于2003-2006年研制的一种.308英寸(7.62x51mm)口径半自动无托步枪,最初的名称叫SRT-8步枪,后来改为RFB步枪,RFB是“无托结构前抛壳步枪”(Rifle, Forward ejection, Bullpup)的缩写,商业名就直接点出了卖点——这款枪采用前抛壳技术,让空弹壳朝着枪口方向抛出,这样即便换手射击,...