Kel-Tec CNC Industries, Inc, of Florida introduced its slick little SUB-2000 self-loading carbine in 2001. Chambered for the 9xl9mm cartridge, the SUB-2000 was both lightweight at four pounds, and small. I suppose one could describe the gun as small and smaller, as it essentially folds ...
Using a NRA D-1 Tombstone target and the prone position at 25 yards, I was able to maintain a nice small fist sized group, although a bit low. It was striking center. After re-reading the user manual, I noted that Kel-Tec stated that the carbines are test fired at 100 yards. Cont...
Kel-Tec’s superior design, engineering, and craftsmanship are not just exclusive to weapon systems. They are also expertly showcased in the parts and accessories that enhance these amazing guns. Kel-Tec redefined the concealed carry market with the release of the P11 in 1995 and has been engi...