temptation for people to try to make as much money out of it as possible – sometimes it’s best for the original to be left well alone in its purest form. After all, how can you compete with the sound effects of theBBC Radiophonic Workshopor the voice of Peter Jones as “the book...
mild-mannered professor of'English literature and 'risk-taking celebrator of madmen By JOHN OUGHTON THESTRANOBRrode in fmm lhc East with his typewriter blaz- iry, and carved a permanent notch in Canadian litcralure. Like his native Sri Lanka. which gave the W&cm world its first taste of...
Indiana Jones is an adventurer who can overcome impossible odds. But he’s also a college professor… and at the end of the adventure, the government is going to take the Ark of the Covenant away and give it to the “Top Men in the Field.” Watching the movie, we all KNOW these “...