The process is for people to remove convictions for non-violent offenses from their records. These convictions can sometimes act as barriers for people to get housing, employment, and other opportunities.
Attorney General Keith Ellison discusses Minnesota’s Debt Fairness ActOne of the new laws passed by the Minnesota Legislature last year is the Debt Fairness Act, championed by Attorney General Keith Ellison.Jun 24, 2024 embed code copied
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) in an interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising” weighed in on police reforms in the state after George Floyd’s death while in Minneapolis police custody in May. The former congressman pointed to a “major” police accountability bill passed in th...
Ellison’s Democratic opponents pounced on the allegations. State Rep. Debra Hilstrom circulated the initial Facebook post Saturday night, calling the allegations “troubling.” Tom Foley, a former county attorney, called on any video or messages to be turned over to law enforcement for an “imm...
" Attorney General Ellison said. "While the Ramsey County Attorney has criminally prosecuted the perpetrators of the Truck Stop shooting that involved a gun straw-purchased at Fleet Farm, I am using the tools of civil law and my Office to further protect the public from illegally obtain...