第五步:注意事项:如果在编译的过程中,编译器提示不能识别 class之类关键字,则需要检查相关的类的头文件的类型是不是C++类型,具体如下: 最后,简单对C++的Vector 和lambda进行了测试,给出简单的代码串口打印输出: std::stringstr="Command ends with '$'\n"; str+="Baude ratio is :115200\n"; str+="Firm...
.long TIMER3_IRQHandler @; Vector Number 45,TIMER3 .long TIMER4_IRQHandler @; Vector Number 46,TIMER4 .long I2C1_EV_IRQHandler @; Vector Number 47,I2C1 Event .long I2C1_ER_IRQHandler @; Vector Number 48,I2C1 Error .long I2C2_EV_IRQHandler @; Vector Number 49,I2C2 Event .long I2C...
我在带有keilide和arm编译器版本6和g++17的stm32f407上使用freeRTOS,我不喜欢使用freeRTOS线程API。相反,我希望使用std::thread c++本机库。但是当我包含#include <thread>时,keil抛出这个错误:error: <thread> is not supported on this single threaded ...
size() << '\n'; // templated_fn({1, 2, 3}); // 编译错误!“ {1, 2, 3} ”不是表达式, // 它无类型,故 T 无法推导 templated_fn<std::initializer_list<int>>({1, 2, 3}); // OK templated_fn<std::vector<int>>({1, 2, 3}); // 也OK }...
* of opening a real file.*/constchar__stdin_name[] ="STDIN";constchar__stdout_name[]="STDOUT";constchar__stderr_name[]="STDERR";/** Open a file. May return -1 if the file failed to open. We do not require * this function to do anything. Simply return a dummy handle.*/FILE...
I am using std::vector library in my program and according this thread, it looks like we need to add Retarget.c needs to be added to the project. When I added that, I got an error as stated here ->http://www.keil.com/support/docs/3279.htm.When I added Serial.c file as well,...
项⽬概览 第⼀步:建⽴Keil5⼯程-》配置STM32类型。 第⼆步:STM32⼯程⽂件的配置,CMSIS需要勾选CORE,然后在Device下选中STM32 的启动Startup,最后就是选择需要外设。(勾选过程全部是绿⾊为有效,如果出现黄⾊,可能是有相关的依赖性没有选中)
• Added M-Profile Vector Extension debug dialog for configurable data vector display. • Updated the product editions MDK-Lite and MDK-Essential to support secure/non-secure build and debug of Armv8-M and Armv8.1-M compliant processor based devices. • Added debug functions for conversions...
在boot文件夹中放入在IAR环境下使用的文件启动文件cortexm3_macro.s和stm32f10x_vector.c,如下如所示 在library问价夹中放入外设驱动函数文件,如下图: 在user文件夹中放入文件main.c、main.h、stm32f10x_it.c、stm32f10x_it.h,这四个文件是要移植的MDK工程下的文件,在user文件夹中还要放入在IAR工程下需要...
: 10.3969 / j.issn.1000-1565.2014.01.015 KeilC51 环境下 64 位浮点库的设计 李文昭 1 ,王虹 2 ,李庆 1 (1.河北大学静电研究所,河北保定071002;2.河北大学电子信息工程学院,河北保定071002) 摘要:为解决KeilC51环境下无法进行64位双精度计算的问题,采用分部存储和分部计算的方法, ...