4 整体复制过来的工程,常出现无法使用跳转功能的情况,可以选择菜单栏“Project –>Manage –>Components,Environment,Books…”,在弹出窗口的“Project Components”选项卡,点击左下角“Set as Current Target”,再点击“OK”,然后重新编译;5 如果以上方法不能解决问题,可以保留源程序,删除工程,再新建工程,导...
1.添加一个Project target: 如图1左Project视图中右键Template_Flash选择Manage Project Items…出现工程文件管理界面。 图1 :左为project视图,右为工程项管理界面 在弹出的工程文件管理界面作图1右图所示的设置:(1)单击添加按钮;(2)输入Target名称,如Template_RAM;(3)单击Set as Current Target按钮,然后按ok保存。
测试文件:http://static2.ichunqiu.com/icq/resources/fileupload/CTF/echunqiu/qgdxs/numgame_8808BCE6D17A3EF92461A50079264767.zip 1.准备 获取信息 32位文件 2.IDA打开 3.代码分析 Sudu::set_data((int... 触发器的Sd和Rd的作用(转) 1)Sd置1端;Rd置0端; 2)当电路输入为Sd、Rd时,高电平有效,Sd...
1.在KeilMDK软件的菜单上栏选择 Project ->OptionsforTarget,如下图所示:2.点击User选项卡,在After Build/Rebuild 下选择一个没有使用的项,我这里使用的是Run#1,在后面输入 fromelf.exe --bin -o ***.bin ***.axf,如下图所示:3.KeilMDK下使用fromelf ...
1. Set up PC-Lint...: 这个选项用于设置和配置PC-Lint工具。PC-Lint是一个强大的静态代码分析工具,它可以检测C/C++代码中的潜在错误、风格问题和编码规范违反。点击这个按钮后,用户可以设置PC-Lint的选项,如规则级别、输入文件、输出格式等。2. Lint all C/C++ Source Files: 这个选项一次性运行PC-Lint工具...
I wonder although there's no code like that in the document, the measure project can set the items in toolbox. Can you help me? Thanks. Cancel Up 0 Down Cancel 0 Robert over 16 years ago The buttons were defined as described in the User's guide (via the co...
In order to set eopx2.exe as PostBuild tool for your software development in Keil uVision, openProject -> options for target [project_name] -> User. There, enter the values as shown in the following figure: Run #1: eopx2.exe -fprg "#H" -fcfg "$H@H_cfg.hex" -script "$P...
Clears previousDefineassignments that are entered in the options dialog of a higherTarget or Grouplevel. Code Optimization Level Set the optimization level the Compiler uses when generating object code. Emphasis Specify whether the Compiler should optimize for code size or execution speed. ...
fseek(file, last_position, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file) != NULL) { printf("%s", buffer); } /* 更新读取位置 */ last_position = ftell(file); fclose(file); /* 暂停一段时间再继续读取 */ Sleep(500); } return 0; } /** * @brief 某...
(141): error : #1114: this feature not supported on target architecture/processor 1> register uint32_t __regControl 1>_ASM("control"); 1> ^ 1>C:\Keil_v5\ARM\pack\ARM\CMSIS\5.2.0\CMSIS\Include\cmsis_armcc.h(141): warning : #550-D: variable "__regControl" was set but never ...