My debuger is on board CMSIS DAP, please refer attached capture. The error is either "RDDI-DAP Error" or "SWD/JTAG Communication Failure" when changing Max Clock. Have a great day! Br Li 0 Kudos Reply 10-25-2019 08:44 AM 4,386 Views danielbujak Contributor III Was there any...
如上图所示,MDK擦除、写入、校验 都是通过的。但是在 Application running ... 之后,突然出现RDDI-DAP Error! 原因:程序中没有将IO 的调试功能打开,比如CubeMX 中默认调试功能是关闭的,如果直接生成代码去调试,就会出现此问题。 解决方法:在CubeMX 中,左侧,SYS->Debug 中打开 Serial Wire,如下图所示,然后更新...
//,更新文件后,也无效,但是报错成了RDDI-DAP error...
6. If you see nothing or an RDDI-DAP error, the ULINKplus cannot see the CPU core. This is not a very good situation and needs to be corrected. 7. Problems include connections are wrong, the target or ULINKplus is is not powered. Jumpers are not correctly set. TIP: You can toggle...
发现仿真调试KE02完全没有问题,但是无法仿真调试MK60,stm32的也不支持,提示RDDI DAP ERROR~...
The driver-less CMSIS-DAP based debugging interface provides a channel over which the CMSIS-DAP debug protocol runs. This enables all the leading industry standard tool chains to program and debug the target system. Supported tools include : ...
RDDIelaphureLinkRDDI is remote device debug interface of elaphureLink that allow remote DAP device communicate with the debug interface. It converts the requests into standard CMSIS-DAP commands and communicates with the proxy. ProxyelaphureLinkProxy play the role of communicating with the debug uni...
一、问题 在用stm32cubemx生成keil代码时,发现代码能够下载一次,然后开发板再也不能下载了。将程序下载到另外的开发板上也是一样的情况。出现RDDI-DAP Error的错误,或者其他的找不到设备的报错。 ...
关于RDDI-DAP Error错误的修正办法之一 关键词: STM32,KEIL5 ,MDK配置说明: 之所以说是方法之一:是因为在使用了大家所说的将boot0与boot1供电3.3v;按住下载版的复位键;将下载线设置短;替换uvoptx后缀文件。等等方法不成功的尝试以供大家参考。 此处的10M改为5M或者更小,就会比较好了。预祝成功!
关于RDDI-DAP Error错误的修正办法之一 关键词: STM32,KEIL5 ,MDK配置 说明: 之所以说是方法之一:是因为在使用了大家所说的将boot0 与boot1供电3.3v;按住下载版的复位键;将下载线设置短;替换uvoptx后缀文件。等等方法不成功的尝试以供大家参考。 此处的10M改为5M或者更小,就会比较好了。预祝成功!