点取消后就显示Cannot download filehttp://www.keil.com/pack/Keil.STM32F1xx_DFP.2.0.0.pack:...
When I first start up the Pack Installer, everything works fine and as expected. It downloads all the pack descriptions, detects old versions and sets up everything so I only have to Install or update packages. But no matter what I do, and which specific package I choose, I always get...
I get the followong error when uVision V5.31.0.0 starts: Cannot download vendor lookup file https://www.keil.com/pack/vendors.idx - Continue check for update with
I#ve tried to install MDK 5.29 for a new project. But Installation of ARM::CMSIS-Driver 2.5.0 fails with the message: Cannot install Pack ARM.CMSIS-Driver.2.5.0: Cannot initialize Any ideas how to proceed and to fix it? Thanks and best regards Christoph...
keil5 pack installer error cannot read file There could be multiple reasons why the Keil5 pack installer is unable to read a file. Here are a few possible causes and their solutions: 1. Insufficient file permissions: Make sure that you have sufficient permissions to access and read the file...
IFX_12 点击gpdsc文件之后生成了MDK工程,这时候再一次编译DAVE工程将会出现报错。在重新生成代码的过程中...
在KEIL的Pack Installer里的Nuvoton中没有找到NUC972芯片的PACK,请问要在那加,是否安装BSP ...
1、新建一个文件夹,作为工程保存的地方,本人已Temp为例 2、打开MDK5.13,点击pack installer,会弹出一个欢迎的界面,直接点击OK 然后在pack installer界面的右边search栏,搜索你的芯片型号,以stm32f103c8为例,device栏里面会显示stm32f103c8的信息 用鼠标左键单击选中,然后在pack installer左边的pack栏里面会出现对应....
I have installed keil latest version as I just started working on this project (2 weeks back) and used the pack installer to install the latest NXP:MIMXRT1176_DFP. ARM::CMSIS & ARM::CMSIS-DRIVER was up to date by default. please find below the screenshot for the same: A...
://www.keil.com/download/product/安装KEIL5安装STM32芯片包KEIL5不像KEIL4 那样自带了很多厂商的MCU 型号,KEIL5需要自己安装。官网下载: http://www.keil.com/dd2/pack/。 把下载好的包双击安装即可,安装路径选择跟KEIL5一样的安装路径,安装成功之后,在KEIL5的Pack Installer 中就 ...