这时可以采用以下几种方法: 1.主程序调用该函数时禁止中断,可以在该函数被调用时用#pragma disable语句来实现禁止中断的目的。必须使用OVERLAY指令将该函数从覆盖分析中除去。 2.复制两份该函数的代码,一份到主程序中,另一份复制到中断服务程序中。 3.将该函数设为重入型。例如: void myfunc(void) reentrant { ...
If a window is already active and opened somewhere, it will have an orange background as shown here: If you have trouble finding an activated window, you can deactivate and then reactivate it to make it more visible. In this example, only Trace Exceptions is already displayed. TIP: Cortex...
awtk\demos\assets-mini.c(48): error: #20: identifier "image_red_btn_p" is undefined assets_manager_add(am, image_red_btn_p); awtk\demos\assets-mini.c(49): error: #20: identifier "image_right_off" is undefined assets_manager_add(am, image_right_off); awtk\demos\assets-mini.c(50...
Perform all steps below and tick them with [x] Read the FAQ Check the related part of the Documentation Update lvgl to the latest version Reproduce the issue in a Simulator Describe the bug The version of LVGL on the 8.3 branch is newer ...
I already added some additional debug outputs to the http_uif.c file to see which files are opened by the HTTP-Server. So I recognized that the HTML- and GIF-Files are open through the interface provided by http_uif.c, but the CGI-files aren't. Whats the reason for this? ...
A suitable design is provided with this document on the web. 2) Setting a Hardware Breakpoint (on-the-fly): 1. Run the program again. . 2. Open the Blinky.c tab. It is probably already open. 3. Scroll down to near Line 43: num += dir; 4. Note on the left of the line ...
as I already posted on 13-Feb-2007 04:04 in my case the problem is the ECC Code of the internal flash memory of the LPC23xx. It's like Franc Urbanc wrote above. To write some bytes to the flash, the whole sector must be erased before you can write one time. To write ...
The main purpose of this blog entry is to make the STM32CubeIDE to be a front-end for the Keil's toolchain. The solution: I assume that you already have STM32CubeIDE project created from Keil's project source files - if not, check out this two blog entries: ...
▪ Added status codes fsAlreadyExists and fsNotDirectory that allow more control when using fmkdir, frmdir and fchdir. ▪ Added debug configuration for debugging with Event Recorder. ▪ Added second instance of the RAM drive (drive R1). ▪ Corrected bug in FAT file name compare for ...
A prominent group of British university teachers this week called on the funding councils to stop supporting low-quality research and put money into improving university teaching instead. The National Academic Policy Advisory Group, which includes members from the Royal Society, the Royal Academy...